Hey, guys today I am reviewing a play. Last Sunday I went to
a play which was great. I went to the
play titled “the good the bad and the ugly”, but don’t mix up with the famous
cowboy movie. Because this play was a bit different. This play was written by
Eray Yasin Işık who played in the Turkish television program Seksenler.
Eray Yasin Işık wrote a very funny play and also famous
actors such as are Ersin Korkut, Erdem Baş and Hakan Bulut were in the cast as
well. I think the best one was Ersin Korkut because he just made some funny
jokes. And I like his improvising technique when he can just make very good
jokes. But my dad says that Hakan Bulut’s acting was better than the others.
The play is about a boy who was so kind to the people but other people tried to
deceive him. And it was telling how bad everything went. You can see that
actors can do different things from the script. Also, I like the actors who are
changing their gender making the play very good and funny. I went to the play
in Theater Duru which is in Kadıköy Moda. It is inside the Kadıköy Anadolu High
School Campus.

To sum up I recommend this play and you can buy the tickets
from the Biletix website which I am going to put in the description. Obviously, this play is just playing in
Turkey, so if you visit Turkey and understand Turkish, don’t go back without
watching this play. In my next blog on Saturday or Sunday, I am going to write
about my favorite movie director. And don't forget to follow my Instagram.
Instagram: themehmetbatırel
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